Personal information protection policy

We, Misawa Security Gard Corporation, believe that it is our social responsibility to properly protect information which identifies individual customers, therefore we will promote the following initiatives.

Scope of application

It defines the handling of personal information provided by customers in our business activities.

Personal information

Based on personal information protection policy and regulation, we protect and manage personal information with the utmost care and effort.

  • 1.Information necessary to implement and maintain the service requested by the customer.
  • 2.Information provided due to contracts with customers and application inquiries.
  • 3.Information on our officers and employees.

purpose of use

The personal information we keep from you will be used only to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes.

  • 1.To realize the contents of the contract entrusted by customer and to provide the accompanying services.
  • 2.To provide the information on services from our company and other sales activities.
  • 3.To enhance other customer services.

We may provide or disclose personal information to third parties within the following scope.

  • 1.If we have the consent of the person.
  • 2.When entrusting the processing of information according to the purpose of use.
  • 3.When it is deemed necessary by laws and regulations.
  • 4.For the enhancement of other customer services.

We will strive to promptly handle complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information and respond appropriately to a reasonable extent
For inquiries and complaints about personal information, please contact the following window.

2-1-34 Saiwai Cho, Misawa Aomori
Kotobuki Shoji Corporation